Saturday, February 12, 2011

Third Week!

    In this 3rd week of Life Drawing we focused on the spinal column and rib cage. This was extremely helpful in getting the right proportion and looking for markers on the body while drawing. We learned how to draw an egg shape for the rib cage. Drawing a line for the spine, and egg for the ribs, and a smaller circle for the opening of the neck is very helpful in getting a good base structure. If we can get this important base of knowledge down, it will allow us to add to it while being anatomically correct.
    At first I realized I was making this egg shape very long and a little too skinny. This really threw off the proportion of the drawing. I really focused on all of the curves of the model to find the correct markers needed to know where the bottom of the egg would be. To be honest, I have been very frustrated with my drawings so far. I think it is a combination of the 30 second time limit and the drawings not looking like anything but a curved line with an egg shape on it. Lately however, I have been a little better at drawing quick and putting in some more reference points such as the shoulders. This greatly improves the look of the form, and I am much happier with how they look now. 

    Working on the clay model has been helpful as well. Learning about these muscles and how they fit in and overlap others will be helpful when giving the drawing a more 3-dimensional look. Actually creating these muscles and placing them on the mannequin in the correct way is a good learning exercise, much better than just learning about it in lecture.
    Overall, this week has been a good one in terms of further developing a knowledge of the human body and my drawing speed. I am slowly starting to break away from my old habits of taking my time. The 30 second time limit will be helpful in making sure we get the overall proportion and pose down the first time without having to rework a lot. This will help in how we draw anything in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that by modeling the muscles we can understand the human body better than just learning about it. I know for me when I heard the lecture I thought that I had understood but after when I was modeling it I realized that I still didn't fully understand. By receiving the actual lecture than actually modeling the mannequin for yourself I think it improves the quality of retention.
